Alcohol Impairment Chart in Texas
This Impairment Chart is Intended as a Guide, Not a Guarantee
Alcohol affects individuals differently. Your blood alcohol level may be affected by your age, gender, physical condition, amount of food consumed and any drugs or medication. In addition, different drinks may contain different amounts of alcohol, so it’s important to know how much and the concentration of alcohol you consume.
For purposes of this guide, “one drink” is equal to 1.25 oz. of 80 proof liquor, 12 oz. of regular beer, or 5 oz. of table wine.
Legal Blood Alcohol Level in Texas
The State of Texas has set a .08% Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) as the legal limit for Driving Under the Influence. For commercial drivers, a BAC of .04% can result in a DUI conviction nationwide.
As stated above, alcohol affects men and women differently, but the chart below is intended to show the general effects that alcohol has on the body at different levels.
0.01-0.05 | Subclinical | Influence/effects not apparent or obviousBehavior nearly normal by ordinary observationImpairment detectable by special tests | |
0.03-0.12 | Euphoria | Mild euphoria, sociability, talkativenessIncreased self-confidence; decreased inhibitionsDiminution of attention, judgment and controlSome sensory-motor impairmentSlowed information processingLoss of efficiency in critical performance tests | |
0.09-0.25 | Excitement | Emotional instability; loss of critical judgmentImpairment of perception, memory and comprehensionDecreased sensatory response; increased reaction timeReduced visual acuity, peripheral vision and glare recoverySensory-motor uncoordination; impaired balanceDrowsiness | |
0.18-0.30 | Confusion | Disorientation, mental confusion; dizzinessExaggerated emotional states (fear, rage, grief, etc.)Disturbances of vision (diplopia, etc.) and of perception of color, form, motion, dimensionsIncreased pain thresholdIncreased muscular uncoordination; staggering gait; slurred speechApathy, lethargy | |
0.25-0.40 | Stupor | General inertia; approaching loss of motor functionsMarkedly decreased response to stimuliMarked muscular uncoordination; inability to stand or walk; vomiting; incontinence of urine and fecesImpaired consciousness; sleep or stupor | |
0.35-0.50 | Coma | Complete unconsciousness; coma; anesthesiaDepressed or abolished reflexesSubnormal temperatureImpairment of circulation and respirationPossible death | |
0.45 + | Death | Death from respiratory arrest |
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